Rapala Fat Rap 5
The Fat Raphas a well-earned reputation for taking finicky fish. When crankbait anglers encounter open water and weary fish, they reach for their lightweight outfit and tie-on a Fat Rap. The tight swimming action of this balsa lure perfectly imitates the motion of fleeing shad, drawing instinctive strikes when nothing else works. Deep diving, the Fat Rapretrieves with minimal drag for effortless fishing. Super sharp VMCblack nickel hooks. Hand-tuned and tank-testing ensures perfect swimming action right out of the box.
Price: $8.59
The Fat Raphas a well-earned reputation for taking finicky fish. When crankbait anglers encounter open water and weary fish, they reach for their lightweight outfit and tie-on a Fat Rap. The tight swimming action of this balsa lure perfectly imitates the motion of fleeing shad, drawing instinctive strikes when nothing else works. Deep diving, the Fat Rapretrieves with minimal drag for effortless fishing. Super sharp VMCblack nickel hooks. Hand-tuned and tank-testing ensures perfect swimming action right out of the box.
Price: $8.59
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