Yamamoto 5'' Senko Core Shot
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black Blue/Blue Tip, Cinnamon/Red Tip, Green Pump Blk/ Chart Tip, Grn Pumpkin/Chartreuse Tail, Smoke w/Blk&Copp/Chart. Tip, Watermelon Amber w/Blk Tail, Watermelon/Chart Tip | Item ID: YA910523, YA910541, YA910542, YA910543, YA910547, YA910913, YA910914X
Price: $7.49 - $7.79
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto 5'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: B-Bug Grinder, Baby Bass, Black, Black Blue Glitter -, Black w/Red Flake, Blue Black/Chart Flk, Blue Pearl w/Blk & Holo, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Bubble Gum, Cajun Craw, Chart w/Black, Chart w/large Blk, Chart/Green Flake, Cinnamon Brown, Cinnamon Red w/ Blue, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/Blk Flake, Clear w/ Black, Clear w/ Gold Slv & Blk, Clear/Blk & Red, Cream White, Dark Pump w/Purp Blk Em, Dirty Plum, Dirty Worm, Disco Green , Dusky, Electric Worm, Fading Watermelon, Fading Watermelon w/ Purple, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Fading Watermelon w/Blue, Generals Watermelon, Gold Pearl, Green Pump w/Blk White10pk, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Blue, Green Pumpkin Magic, Green Pumpkin Red, Green Pumpkin/Lg Red, Grn Pump w/Grn & Purp, Grn Pumpkin Purp Copper, Houdini, Lavender Watermelon, Light Grn Pump w/Red , Mad Melon, Midnight, Morning Dawn , Motoroil w/Lg Red Flake, Mowed Grass, Natural Shad, Oxblood, Pearl w/Sm Gold/Lg Blk, Plum Apple, Plum w/ Emerald, Pump Black/Green Glitter 10p, Pumpkin w/Black Flake, Pumpkin w/Large Black, Purple Pearl/Small Blue, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Red, Red/Blk & Red Glitter, Rootbeer w/Red & Gold, Smoke, Smoke Blue Slv Purp Blk, Smoke Pearl Blue, Smoke Rootbeer/Grn Cop, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Smoke w/Blk & Silver, Smoke w/Blk Blue & Gold, Smoke w/Blk& Holo, South African Special, Strawberry Cream, Watermelon, Watermelon Blk Glitter, Watermelon Candy, Watermelon Disco, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon Moondust, Watermelon Red Magic, Watermelon w/lg Grn, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black/Gold 10 pk, Watermelon/Blk Sil Gold, Watermelon/Lg Red & Grn, Watermelon/Red | Item ID: YA910002, YA910008, YA910020, YA910021, YA910031, YA910036, YA910042, YA910042J, YA910051, YA910150, YA910156, YA910157, YA910159, YA910167, YA910169, YA910176, YA910177, YA910186, YA910187, YA910194, YA910194J, YA910196, YA910197, YA910208, YA910213, YA910214, YA910215, YA910221, YA910222, YA910229, YA910231, YA910234, YA910236, YA910238, YA910239, YA910240, YA910241, YA910284, YA910286, YA910297, YA910300, YA910301, YA910302, YA910303, YA910305, YA910306, YA910318, YA910323, YA910324, YA910325, YA910326, YA910327, YA910328, YA910329, YA910330, YA910337, YA910354, YA910355, YA910356, YA910357, YA910358, YA910359, YA910361, YA910362, YA910363, YA910367, YA910368, YA910369, YA910374N, YA910375, YA910386, YA910387, YA910388, YA910392X, YA910396X, YA910397, YA910398, YA910399, YA910400, YA910907X, YA910979, YA910980, YA910981X, YA910983X, YA910984X, YA910990
Price: $7.49 - $8.19
# Of Colors: 86 -
Yamamoto 5'' DT Hula Grub
The Yamamoto Hula Grub is one of the greatest soft baits ever poured. And, not coincidentally, one of the greatest soft bait manufacturers is Yamamoto Baits. The Yamamoto Double Tail Hula Grubs catch fish 12 months out of the year - deep and shallow. It comes loaded with salt, and features a double tail grub configuration at one end combined with a Senko-style body in the middle, and free flowing rubber tentacles at the opposite end. Carolina-rig it, Texas-rig it, flip and pitch it, or throw it on a football head. The Yamamoto Hula Grub is an action packed bait that can be fished any way you want. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black no flake, Black w/Lg Blue Flake, Blue Pearl Silver -, Blue Pearl/Blk & Hologram, Chart Black Glitter, Chart w/Lg Grn&Chart, Chmp/w Black -, Cinnamon Red/Blue Fl, Cinnamon w/Black Flk, Cinnamon w/lg Grn Flk, Cinnamon/Blk & Purp, Clear w/Lg Blk Flk, Cream White10pk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpk Purple, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn Pmpkn/Lg Red, Natural Shad, Pumpkin w/Black & Green, Pumpkin w/Black Flk, Rootbeer w/Red & Gold, Rootbeer/Blk, Smoke w/Black, Smoke W/Blk & Hologram, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Watermelon w/Black -, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black Flk | Item ID: YA9710020, YA9710021, YA9710031, YA9710036, YA9710140, YA9710150, YA9710156, YA9710157, YA9710169, YA9710176, YA9710186, YA9710187, YA9710194, YA9710194J, YA9710196, YA9710208, YA9710215, YA9710218, YA9710221, YA9710238, YA9710239, YA9710284, YA9710296, YA9710297, YA9710301, YA9710305, YA9710306, YA9710318, YA9710330
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 29 -
Yamamoto Fat Baby Craw
The Fat Baby Craw from Yamamoto gives you all the features that have made Yamamoto products so successful at catching bass in a craw package. The round body and claws resist sticking to tules, pads, sticks, and other cover like flat plastic does and the thick body stays on the hook even when you're dragging your jig through thick cover. Like other Yamamoto baits, the Fat Baby Craw is loaded with salt, making any bass that bites hang on longer, and the natural shape looks great alone or as a jig trailer. The Fat Baby Craw comes in some great Yamamoto colors and will be a great match with any manufacturer's jig. | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flake, Black w/Smoke Red Flk, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Green Pump/Black Flake, Grn Pump Lg Grn/Purple, Grn Pump Purple Copper, Pumpkin w/Black/Green, Watermelon w/Black Flk, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA3FS07021, YA3FS07051, YA3FS07194J, YA3FS07196, YA3FS07208, YA3FS07221, YA3FS07297, YA3FS07301, YA3FS07330
Price: $4.59 - $4.89
# Of Colors: 9 -
Yamamoto Heart Tail
The Heart-Tail is a very versatile style of lure; fish it deep on a jighead, swim it Texas-rigged in the grass, or on the back of a swim jig or chatterbait. This bait's wide body makes it ideal for buzzing on the surface over lily-pads and thick vegetation. It's unique, heart-shaped paddle tail, produces a big side-to-side vibration that displaces a ton of water, and it's extra-large hook cavity was designed for better hook penetration. | Colors: Black w Large Blue, Brown Blue/Gill/Clear, Green Pumpkin w/Black Flk, Olive Shad, Pearl White, Perch, Watermelon w/Black & Red | Item ID: YA12805021, YA12805208, YA12805297, YA12805341N000, YA12805364, YA12805948, YA12805968
Price: $9.39 - $9.79
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto 4'' Senko Laminate
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black/Blue Laminate, Chart/Shad Laminate, Dark Green Pumpkin/Trans Amb, Generals Watermelon, Goby, Gooseberry, Green Pump w/Blk White, Green Pumpkin Red/Watermelon, Green Pumpkin Watermelon, Houdini, Lavender Watermelon, Perch, Rainbow Trout Laminate, Red Shad, Smoke Purple Holo -, Smoke Shad, Strawberry Cream, Water Cop/Orange Red, Water Red/Lt Water Red, Watermelon & Lemon -, Watermelon Moondust, Watermelon Slice -, Watermelon/White | Item ID: YA9S10900, YA9S10901, YA9S10904, YA9S10906, YA9S10908, YA9S10909, YA9S10912, YA9S10925, YA9S10926, YA9S10927, YA9S10955, YA9S10956, YA9S10958X, YA9S10963X, YA9S10964X, YA9S10967, YA9S10968, YA9S10979, YA9S10980, YA9S10981X, YA9S10983X, YA9S10984X, YA9S10990
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 23 -
Yamamoto 4'' Zako
The Zako Swimbait was designed by Elite angler Brett Hite, and it's his bait of choice as a swimbait trailer when he's slinging chatterbaits or he's in the mood to flip. "I wanted a lure to mimic a bluegill or a shad, but I wanted a fish profile with a bigger belly. It needed to be beefy enough to hold a hook or jig," says Elite Angler Brett Hite, who finished 2nd this year at Winyah Bay primarily fishing the Zako. Additionally, Brett wanted to keep the tail action tight, similar to an actual baitfish, so we designed the tail with accordion-style cuts and a flanged tail which keeps the action minimal. Hookset ratios are also improved as the tail folds in on itself when the fish bite. Another key feature of the Zako which is exceptionally useful when rigging it as a flip bait is the center line on the top of the bait you'll always know you're rigging it dead center and that means the Zako will always run true. | Colors: 021/297 Laminate, Black W/Lg Blue Flk, Chart/Shad Lam, Cream White, Disco Green, Electric Shad, Grn Pkn w/Blk/White, Grn Pmpkn No Flk/Lemon, Grn Pumpkin/Blk Flk, Rainbow Shad, Sight Flash, Tennessee Shad, Watermelon W/Blk Flk, Watrmln/Lemon Lam, Wtrmln w/Cpr/Orng w/Rd | Item ID: YA13406021, YA13406036, YA13406194J, YA13406297, YA13406375, YA13406906, YA13406909, YA13406929, YA13406956, YA13406973, YA13406981, YA13406991, YA13406992, YA13406993, YA13406994
Price: $6.19 - $7.00
# Of Colors: 15 -
Yamamoto 4'' Fat Boy IKA
Use the 5" 92F-series Fat Ika weightless. With approximately a 4/0 extra wide gap offset shank hook, it weighs about a 1/2 oz, cast well and sinks quickly into the often overlooked 10 to 20 foot zone. As it falls, it has a built-in side to side sashay which is all the bass need to see some days. Other times, it can require skillful rod english by the angler to create an underwater "walk-the-dog" action. Take time to learn how to do this, and stick to it. Just walk the Fat Ika up to the crown of an underwater bush or tree, then kill the action to let it sashay down through the limbs. A big key is most bites come when the Fat Ika is falling. | Colors: Black Blue Glitter -, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pumpkin Black, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA92F10021, YA92F10194J, YA92F10208, YA92F10297
Price: $8.60
# Of Colors: 4 -
Yamamoto 4'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: B Bug Grinder, Baby Bass, Black, Black Blue Glitter -, Blue Black/Chart Flk, Blue Pearl w/Blk & Holo, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Bubble Gum -, Chart w/large Grn&Chart, Cinnamon Brown/ No Flake, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/lg Grn&Chart, Cream White, Dirty Plum, Dirty Worm, Disco Green, Dusky, Electric Worm, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Magic, Grn Pump w/Purp/Copper, Light Grn Pump w/Red , Mowed Grass, Natural Shad, Pump w/Black & Grn Glit, Purple Pearl/Blue, Purple w/Emerald, Red w/ Red -, Smoke Rootbeer/Grn Cop, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Smoke/Blk Blue & Chart, W'melon w/Black Glitter, Watermelon, Watermelon Disco, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon Red Magic, Watermelon Violet -, Watermelon w/Blk Flake, Watermelon w/Purple Flake, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black/Gold 10 pk, Watermelon/Red & Green | Item ID: YA9S10009, YA9S10020, YA9S10021, YA9S10031, YA9S10036, YA9S10042, YA9S10150, YA9S10157, YA9S10159, YA9S10169, YA9S10176, YA9S10194, YA9S10194J, YA9S10196, YA9S10208, YA9S10213, YA9S10214, YA9S10221, YA9S10222, YA9S10229, YA9S10234, YA9S10236, YA9S10239, YA9S10241, YA9S10297, YA9S10301, YA9S10305, YA9S10306, YA9S10323, YA9S10329, YA9S10330, YA9S10354, YA9S10355, YA9S10357, YA9S10361, YA9S10375, YA9S10376X, YA9S10386, YA9S10387, YA9S10388, YA9S10392, YA9S10397, YA9S10398, YA9S10399
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 44 -
Yamamoto 4'' Single Tail Gru
The Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make great jig trailers or they can be added to a Yamamoto Skirt to create your own spider jig color combination. If you're looking to improve your odds with a spinnerbait, the Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make for great trailers as well, and allow you to slow down your retrieve by adding a little extra bulk and resistance to your presentation. The added disturbance created by both tails really lets fish hone in on your bait. The soft supple plastic used in all Yamamoto Baits gives the Double Tail Grubs a great action and a realistic feel to lure fish in and make them hold on longer. Available in a wide range of Yamamoto colors, there is a Yamamoto Double Tail Grub perfect for any situation. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black (No Flake), Blue Pearl w/Blk & Holo, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Chart Chart Flk, Chart Green, Chart Silver, Chartreuse Blk Glitter, Cinnamon Black, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Clear Black, Cream White, Drk Pumpkin w/Lg Blk, Green Pumpkin Black, Luminous White, Pumpkin w/Black & Grn, Smoke Black Blue, Smoke Black Silver, Smoke Pearl Blue, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Lg Red Flk, Watermelon Black, Watermelon Black Red | Item ID: YA4020015, YA4020020, YA4020031, YA4020036, YA4020038, YA4020150, YA4020156, YA4020169, YA4020176, YA4020177, YA4020181, YA4020187, YA4020194, YA4020196, YA4020208, YA4020214, YA4020221, YA4020239, YA4020240, YA4020286, YA4020297, YA4020305, YA4020334
Price: $6.49 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 23 -
Yamamoto 4'' Kreature
The Yamamoto Kreature is all business. Like all baits from Yamamoto, the Kreature is loaded with salt and available in time tested fish-catching colors that will fill up the livewell in a hurry. The Yamamoto Kreature bait also produces a potent action that drives fish wild. The front 'arms' start right at the top of the bait, and the end of the bait is nothing but free flowing tentacles that will attract plenty of attention. The Yamamoto Kreature also features flaps along the sides for more water movement. These Yamamoto Kreature baits are great for flipping and pitching on a Texas-rig or weightless on a big hook. Need a BIG trailer for a jig? Try the Yamamoto Kreature. Want a BIG bait to shake on a Texas-rig? The Kreature from Yamamoto will do the trick. | Colors: Black Blue/Blue Tip, Black Blue/Chart Tip, Black w/Sm Red Flake, Blk/Blu Flake, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Cinnamon/Blk&Purp Flk, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin/Black Flake, Grn P'kin w/Purp & Copper, Pumpkin w/Black & Green, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Red & Green, Wmelon w/Blk/sm Gld Flk | Item ID: YA507021, YA507031, YA507051, YA507194J, YA507196, YA507208, YA507213, YA507221, YA507222, YA507297, YA507301, YA507323, YA507330, YA507522, YA507523
Price: $7.49 - $7.79
# Of Colors: 15 -
Yamamoto 3'' Fat Senko
Rounding out Yamamoto's extensive line-up of soft plastics, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko provides an incredibly versatile, slightly chunkier profile that will have your livewell overflowing. Similar to the traditional Senko, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko features a plumped-up stickbait construction that imparts time-tested, subtle Senko action. Incredibly effective weightless, on a shakey head, neko rig, and much more, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko delivers a slightly different look that can be the key to unlocking the bite. | Colors: Black (No Flk), Chart/Shad Lam, Generals Wtrmln, Grn Pmkn Prpl Copr, Grn Pmpk/Lg Grn/Lg Prp, Watermelon w/Blk, Wtrmln w/Blue Flk | Item ID: YA9C10020, YA9C10194J, YA9C10301, YA9C10328, YA9C10330, YA9C10909, YA9C10990
Price: $5.89
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto 4'' Slim Senko
The 4" 9J Senko was created for Yamamoto's top tournament pros in Japan who required a smaller, slimmer Senko to excel under the most extreme pressure conditions. When you need to get the maximum action and attraction out of your drop shot, split shot or shakin' with a bead 'n bullet, it's time to slip on a 9J Slim Senko! | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flk, Grn Pump Black Flk, Watermelon (No Flk) | Item ID: YA9J10021, YA9J10042, YA9J10297
Price: $6.99 - $7.39
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto 3.5'' Cut Tail Worm
When it comes to finesse baits the Yamamoto Kut Tail worm, a.k.a. Cut Tail, has all the features you need to fool those finicky fish. The unique tail design produces a subtle action perfect for finesse fishing techniques like drop-shotting. The tapered body design provides maximum action and durability. With a wide range of colors to choose from you can find the right color to match any finesse situation. | Colors: Pumpkin w/Black & Green, Watermelon w/Bl Red, Watermelon w/Blk Flk | Item ID: YA7S20194J, YA7S20196, YA7S20208
Price: $7.49 - $7.79
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto 5'' Pro-Senko
The Pro Senko has been designed with a thicker head area to help it stay on the hook when used with Gary's Swim Jig or other Shaky-Head style jigs. It still possesses all of the original Senko's incredible fish-catching action. The Pro Senko also casts like a bullet due to its unique design and gets into the strike zone quickly. Available in a wide variety of colors, there is a Yamamoto Pro Senko up to the task. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Blue Glitter -, Cinnamon / Blk&Prpl, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn P'kin w/Purp & Copper, Lt GP Lg Grn Prpl/Crystal, P'kin Black/Green Glit, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9P10021, YA9P10194J, YA9P10196, YA9P10208, YA9P10221, YA9P10297, YA9P10301, YA9P10305, YA9P10330, YA9P10979/000N
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 10 -
Yamamoto 6'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black, Black w/ Blue Flake, Black w/Red Flake, Chartreuse/Blk Flk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn Pump w/Red Flk/042J, Grn Pump/Watermelon, Plum w/ Emerald Flake, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Smk Rtbeer/Grn&Cop, Watermelon Red & Green, Watermelon w/ Black, Watermelon w/Gold & Blk, Watermelon w/Red, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9L05020, YA9L05021, YA9L05051, YA9L05156, YA9L05194, YA9L05208, YA9L05213, YA9L05222, YA9L05231, YA9L05236, YA9L05297, YA9L05301, YA9L05305, YA9L05323, YA9L05337, YA9L05912, YA9L05925
Price: $6.29 - $6.89
# Of Colors: 17 -
Yamamoto D Shad
The Yamamoto D-Shad is a new breed of soft plastic jerk bait. It has a streamlined body designed to give that side-to-side twitching action, but the tail is thicker and heavier so when you kill the bait it sinks level and gives a little shimmy. It will work great by itself weighless for twitching, but also give it a try on your Carolina Rig, or behind your "Chatterbaits" or "Scroungers". However you use the new D-Shad you are sure to catch them! | Colors: Blue Pearl, Bubble Gum, Goby, Green Pumpkin Black, Lime Feve, Olive Shad, Pearl White, Smoke Shad, Watermelon/Black, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA12107208, YA12107229, YA12107297, YA12107364, YA12107948, YA12107957, YA12107958, YA12107959, YA12107967, YA12107968
Price: $5.19 - $5.39
# Of Colors: 10 -
Yamamoto 5'' Senko Laminate
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Bama Bug, Black Red w/ Silver, Black/Blue -, Bluegrass, Brown Purple, Chartreuse Pumpkin, Chartreuse Shad, Dirty Shad, Drk Grn Pmpk/Trans. Amb, Electric Shad, Goby, Gooseberry, Green Flash, Green Weenie, Grn Pump w/sm Red/042J, Grn Pump/Wat Pepper, PB & J, Perch, Purple Emer/Cinn Br Pur10pk, Rainbow Trout -, Red Shad -, Smoke Pur Blu/Water Blu, Smoke Purple Holo -, Smoke Shad, Water Cop/Orange Red, Water Red/Lt Water Red, Watermelon Slice -, Watermelon Violet -, Watermelon/Lemon -, Watermelon/White | Item ID: YA910376X, YA910900, YA910901, YA910904, YA910906, YA910908, YA910909, YA910912, YA910918, YA910921, YA910922, YA910925, YA910926, YA910927, YA910952, YA910953, YA910954, YA910955, YA910956, YA910958X, YA910960, YA910963X, YA910964X, YA910966, YA910967, YA910968, YA910973X, YA910974X, YA910975X, YA910976X
Price: $7.79
# Of Colors: 30 -
Yamamoto Shad Shape Worm
The Yamamoto Shad Shape Worm gives anglers yet another reason to fish Gary Yamamoto Baits. Combining the elements of a ribbed Senko and a tiny shad-like bait, these finesse worms are an ideal choice for drop shotting and darter heading, as well as, a range of other applications. Popular in Japan prior to their release in North America, the Yamamoto Shad Shape Worms offer a killer bait fish presentation that won't overpower the situation if the fish get finicky. | Colors: Baby Bass, Baby Bass Holo/Clear, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Goby, Green Pumpkin/Lg Red, Grn Pmpk/LgGrn/Lg Prp, Grn Pump w/Black, Natural Shad, Perch, Smoke w/Black, Watermelon w/Blk, Watermelon w/Blk/SmGold, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/White | Item ID: YA68L10031, YA68L10150, YA68L10194, YA68L10208, YA68L10297, YA68L10301, YA68L10305, YA68L10306, YA68L10318, YA68L10323, YA68L10901, YA68L10939, YA68L10967, YA68L10968
Price: $4.29 - $5.39
# Of Colors: 14 -
Yamamoto 3'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black, Blue Pearl/Silver Flk, Bubble Gum, Chart w/Lg Grn & Chart, Cinnamon Brown, Cream White, Fading Watermelon, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Magic, Pumpkin w/Black&Green Glit, Red/Red Flake, Smoke w/lg Blk Flk, Smoke w/lg Blk Purp, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Cream Lam | Item ID: YA9B10009, YA9B10020, YA9B10031, YA9B10036, YA9B10042J, YA9B10150, YA9B10157, YA9B10169, YA9B10194J, YA9B10196, YA9B10208, YA9B10229, YA9B10241, YA9B10297, YA9B10301, YA9B10305, YA9B10354, YA9B10355, YA9B10901
Price: $5.20 - $5.70
# Of Colors: 19 -
Yamamoto 5'' Thin Senko
The Yamamoto 5" Thin Senko is the skinny cousin of the original 5" Senko. The slender body of Thin Senko lends itself well to drop shotting and other finesse presentations. But it's able to differentiates itself from the other trick or slender worms with its characteristic Senko action. The Yamamoto Thin Senko still possesses that unique Senko characteristic of shimmying and shifting with tip quivering action. | Colors: Green Pumpkin Black, Watermelon/Blk&R | Item ID: YA9M10208, YA9M10297
Price: $7.29
# Of Colors: 2 -
Yamamoto SingleTail Grub 5''
The Yamamoto Single Tail Grubs have been a classic bait for years for a reason. One of the most versatile baits ever created, they can be rigged a variety of ways and catch fish year around. Fish them alone or as a spinnerbait, buzzbait or jig trailer, the Yamamoto Single Tail Grubs have a proven action that fish can't resist. | Colors: Baby Bass, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Chart Black, Cinnamon Black, Cream White, Dark Pumpkin, Green Pumpkin Black, Pumpkin/Black Green, Smoke w/Black, Watermelon Black, Watermelon Black Red | Item ID: YA1820031, YA1820036, YA1820150, YA1820156, YA1820176, YA1820194, YA1820196, YA1820208, YA1820286, YA1820297, YA1820305
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 11 -
Yamamoto 4'' DT Hula Grub
The Yamamoto Hula Grub is one of the greatest soft baits ever poured. And, not coincidentally, one of the greatest soft bait manufacturers is Yamamoto Baits. The Yamamoto Double Tail Hula Grubs catch fish 12 months out of the year - deep and shallow. It comes loaded with salt, and features a double tail grub configuration at one end combined with a Senko-style body in the middle, and free flowing rubber tentacles at the opposite end. Carolina-rig it, Texas-rig it, flip and pitch it, or throw it on a football head. The Yamamoto Hula Grub is an action packed bait that can be fished any way you want. | Colors: Black w/ Blue -, Blue Pearl/Silver -, Chart Black Glitter, Cinnamon W/Black Flk, Cinnamon/Blk Purp -, Green Pkn/LgGrn Purple, Grn Pump Black Glitter -10pk, Pump Black/Green Glitter 10p, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Watermelon w/Black Glit, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9310021, YA9310031, YA9310150, YA9310156, YA9310157, YA9310176, YA9310194, YA9310196, YA9310208, YA9310221, YA9310297, YA9310301
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 12 -
Yamamoto 5'' Kut Tail
When it comes to finesse baits the Yamamoto Kut Tail worm, a.k.a. Cut Tail, has all the features you need to fool those finicky fish. The unique tail design produces a subtle action perfect for finesse fishing techniques like drop-shotting. The tapered body design provides maximum action and durability. With a wide range of colors to choose from you can find the right color to match any finesse situation. | Colors: Black, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pumpkin Black, Pumpkin w/Black, Pumpkin/Black Green, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Watermelon Red, Watermelon w/Gold/Black | Item ID: YA7L10020, YA7L10186, YA7L10194J, YA7L10196, YA7L10208, YA7L10213, YA7L10297, YA7L10323
Price: $4.99 - $5.19
# Of Colors: 8 -
Yamamoto 3.5'' Swimbait
The Yamamoto Swimbait has a slimmer belly and a more perfect shad or minnow profile than most. Its large, graduated tail section truly make it stand apart from the others. This baby swims - and swims hard! Designed with one principle in mind - that big fish eat little fish - Yamamoto's swimbait is the perfect little fish imitation. Conceived for Gulf Coast redfish, specks, California bay bass, Northwest bottom fish, Northeast stripers and weakies (to name a few), field-testing has proven the new Yamamoto Swim Bait is at least as awesome for largemouth, smallmouth, spotted and Kentucky bass. Freshwater stripers, hybrids and walleye also just seem to crave it. | Colors: Black/Clear w/Hlgm, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Cream White, Daquiri/Black & Hologram, Green Pumpkin No Flake, Grn Pumpkin/Sm Red/042J | Item ID: YASB3506031, YASB3506036, YASB3506237, YASB3506925, YASB3506929, YASB3506930
Price: $4.49 - $4.69
# Of Colors: 6 -
Yamamoto YamaFrog
The YamaFrog glides easily on the surface of the water with an extreme kicking action even at the slowest speeds. The perfect solution for buzzing over tops of grassbeds and around heavy cover. The deep hook cavity in the body ensures good hook-up ratios and will accept the largest heavy-wire EWG hooks. | Colors: Black w Large Blue, Green Pump w/Blk White, White | Item ID: YA12905021, YA12905036, YA12905981
Price: $6.79 - $7.09
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto Swimsenko 4''
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flk, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin w/ Grn/Prpl Fk, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA31S10021, YA31S10208, YA31S10297, YA31S10301
Price: $7.59
# Of Colors: 4 -
Yamamoto 7'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black w/Lg Blue Flake, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn Pump w/Red Flk/042J, Watermelon w/Red, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9X05021, YA9X05194J, YA9X05208, YA9X05297, YA9X05301, YA9X05305, YA9X05337, YA9X05925
Price: $6.59
# Of Colors: 8 -
Yamamoto 5'' Double-Tail Gru
The Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make great jig trailers or they can be added to a Yamamoto Skirt to create your own spider jig color combination. If you're looking to improve your odds with a spinnerbait, the Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make for great trailers as well, and allow you to slow down your retrieve by adding a little extra bulk and resistance to your presentation. The added disturbance created by both tails really lets fish hone in on your bait. The soft supple plastic used in all Yamamoto Baits gives the Double Tail Grubs a great action and a realistic feel to lure fish in and make them hold on longer. Available in a wide range of Yamamoto colors, there is a Yamamoto Double Tail Grub perfect for any situation. | Colors: Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/Blk Flake, Dark Pumpkin w/Black, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pump/Black Flake, Green Pumpkin w/Purp&Cop, Smk w/Blk&Prpl, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black Flake | Item ID: YA1620157, YA1620176, YA1620194, YA1620208, YA1620221, YA1620286, YA1620297, YA1620301, YA1620330
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 9 -
Yamamoto 6 1/2'' Cut Tail
When it comes to finesse baits the Yamamoto Kut Tail worm, a.k.a. Cut Tail, has all the features you need to fool those finicky fish. The unique tail design produces a subtle action perfect for finesse fishing techniques like drop-shotting. The tapered body design provides maximum action and durability. With a wide range of colors to choose from you can find the right color to match any finesse situation. | Colors: Blk W/Lg Blue Fk, Grn Pum w/Black, Watermelon w/Blk Flake, Watermelon w/Blk Rd | Item ID: YA7X10021, YA7X10194J, YA7X10208, YA7X10297
Price: $7.29 - $7.59
# Of Colors: 4 -
Yamamoto Cowboy
| Colors: Baby Bass, Black w/Lg Blue, Bruised Shin, Dark Pump w/Purp Blk Em, Drk Grn Pmpk/Trans. Amb, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin/Blk Flk, Grn Pump w/sm Red/042J, Grn Pumpkin Purp Copper, Okeechobee Craw, Smoke Pur Blu/Water Blu, Water Red/Lt Water Red, Watermelon w/Blk & Red Flk, Watermelon w/Blk Flk | Item ID: YA13607021, YA13607194J, YA13607208, YA13607297, YA13607301, YA13607305, YA13607330, YA13607358, YA13607925, YA13607926, YA13607953, YA13607955, YA13607962, YA13607996
Price: $6.49 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 14 -
Yamamoto 4'' Double-Tail Gru
The Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make great jig trailers or they can be added to a Yamamoto Skirt to create your own spider jig color combination. If you're looking to improve your odds with a spinnerbait, the Yamamoto Double Tail Grubs make for great trailers as well, and allow you to slow down your retrieve by adding a little extra bulk and resistance to your presentation. The added disturbance created by both tails really lets fish hone in on your bait. The soft supple plastic used in all Yamamoto Baits gives the Double Tail Grubs a great action and a realistic feel to lure fish in and make them hold on longer. Available in a wide range of Yamamoto colors, there is a Yamamoto Double Tail Grub perfect for any situation. | Colors: Black w/Lg Blue Flake, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/Blk Flake, Green Pumpkin Black, Pumpkin w/Blk & Green, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Smoke w/Lg Blk Flk, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black Flake | Item ID: YA1520021, YA1520150, YA1520157, YA1520176, YA1520194, YA1520196, YA1520208, YA1520221, YA1520297
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 9 -
Yamamoto 3.75'' Flappin' Hog
The Yamamoto Flappin' Hog was originally only available in Asia and has now officially made its way to the States. The Flappin' Hog has three distinct types of appendages. The appendages closest to the tail section are the longest and have the most weight of the appendages. The riveted body of these appendages will create vibration and action during the fall and when shaking this bait. Yamamoto has incorporated new designs and characteristics but, they have also stuck with some of the characteristics of their proven baits. The appendages on the Flappin' Hog are close to the body so it can get in and out of tight cover with ease. Yamamoto has also incorporated a hollow section close to the tail to allow easy hook penetration through the bait. The design of the Yamamoto Flappin' Hog makes it an ideal bait for flipping and pitching. | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flake, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Magic, Green Pumpkin w/Purple & Cop, Green Pumpkin w/Red Flake, Pumpkin w/Black & Green Flk, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon w/Black Flake, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YAFH07021, YAFH07194, YAFH07196, YAFH07208, YAFH07297, YAFH07301, YAFH07318, YAFH07330, YAFH07354, YAFH07355
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 10 -
Yamamoto 4.5'' Flappin' Hog
The Yamamoto Flappin' Hog was originally only available in Asia and has now officially made its way to the States. The Flappin' Hog has three distinct types of appendages. The appendages closest to the tail section are the longest and have the most weight of the appendages. The riveted body of these appendages will create vibration and action during the fall and when shaking this bait. Yamamoto has incorporated new designs and characteristics but, they have also stuck with some of the characteristics of their proven baits. The appendages on the Flappin' Hog are close to the body so it can get in and out of tight cover with ease. Yamamoto has also incorporated a hollow section close to the tail to allow easy hook penetration through the bait. The design of the Yamamoto Flappin' Hog makes it an ideal bait for flipping and pitching. | Colors: Black w/Lg Blue Flake, Green Pumpkin Purple Cop, Green Pumpkin/Lg Red, Grn Pmpkn w/Blk Flake, Smkw/Prp&Blu/Wat Blu Fl, WtrBlkw/Rd/Lt Wtr Rd Blk, Wtrmln w/Cpr/Orng w/Rd | Item ID: YAFHL05021, YAFHL05297, YAFHL05318, YAFHL05330, YAFHL05953, YAFHL05955, YAFHL05956
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto Swimsenko 3.5''
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black (no flake), Black/Blue Laminate, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Chartreuse/Shad Laminate, Goby, Green Pumpkin/Black Flake, Green Pumpkin/Watermelon, Natural Shad, Perch, Watermelon/Black&Red | Item ID: YA31M07020, YA31M07031, YA31M07208, YA31M07297, YA31M07305, YA31M07306, YA31M07904, YA31M07909, YA31M07912, YA31M07967, YA31M07968
Price: $7.29 - $7.69
# Of Colors: 11 -
Yamamoto 7.75'' Kut Tail
When it comes to finesse baits the Yamamoto Kut Tail worm, a.k.a. Cut Tail, has all the features you need to fool those finicky fish. The unique tail design produces a subtle action perfect for finesse fishing techniques like drop-shotting. The tapered body design provides maximum action and durability. With a wide range of colors to choose from you can find the right color to match any finesse situation. | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flake | Item ID: YA7GL05021
Price: $6.39
# Of Colors: 1 -
Yamamoto 4'' Cut Tail
When it comes to finesse baits the Yamamoto Kut Tail worm, a.k.a. Cut Tail, has all the features you need to fool those finicky fish. The unique tail design produces a subtle action perfect for finesse fishing techniques like drop-shotting. The tapered body design provides maximum action and durability. With a wide range of colors to choose from you can find the right color to match any finesse situation. | Colors: Grn Pumpkin/Black Flk, Pumpkin w/Black- Green Fl 20, Watermelon/Blk&Red | Item ID: YA720196, YA720208, YA720297
Price: $8.29 - $9.29
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto 3.75'' Baby Craw
The Fat Baby Craw from Yamamoto gives you all the features that have made Yamamoto products so successful at catching bass in a craw package. The round body and claws resist sticking to tules, pads, sticks, and other cover like flat plastic does and the thick body stays on the hook even when you're dragging your jig through thick cover. Like other Yamamoto baits, the Fat Baby Craw is loaded with salt, making any bass that bites hang on longer, and the natural shape looks great alone or as a jig trailer. The Fat Baby Craw comes in some great Yamamoto colors and will be a great match with any manufacturer's jig. | Colors: Grn Pumpkin Blk Flake, Pumpkin Blk Green Flake, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA3S10196, YA3S10208, YA3S10297
Price: $6.29 - $6.89
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto 5'' Swimsenko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black, Black w/ Blue Flake, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Disco Green, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pump/Watermelon, Green Pumpkin w/Black, Natural Shad, Pumpkin Black Green, Purple w/Emerald, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Watermelon Cream, Watermelon w/Black, Watermelon w/Black & Sm Gold, Watermelon w/Red & Green 10p, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA3110020, YA3110021, YA3110031, YA3110157, YA3110194, YA3110196, YA3110208, YA3110213, YA3110222, YA3110297, YA3110301, YA3110306, YA3110323, YA3110375, YA3110901, YA3110912
Price: $8.29
# Of Colors: 16