
Roboworm 4.5'' Straight Tail
Roboworm Straight Tail Worms - Roboworm's flagship series. These are the worms that started it all, Roboworm's original straight tail worm. Computer, and robotic engineered precision hand poured style soft plastic worms. Featuring Roboworm's awesome triple color pours and Roboworm's exclusive "salt release system". When a fish strikes these worms, a burst of salt is emitted, causing the fish to hold onto the bait longer, enabling the angler to detect the bite. No other soft plastic worm can match the detail in colors that Roboworm produces in this line up. This line features the often copied, but never duplicated Aaron's Magic, the top selling color in soft plastic history. The Roboworm straight tail worms excel in all applications, including drop shotting, shakey head, Texas rig, Carolina rig, dart head, split shot rig, flipping' and pitching'. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Aaron's Magic Red & Blk, Aaron's Morning Dawn, Aaron's Pro Magic, Aaron's Pro Shad, Baby Bass, Bait Ball, BHite Delight, Bitchin' Craw, Black Grape, Blue Crawler, Bold Bluegill, Desert Craw, Ehrler's Edge, Folkstad Special, Green Neon Pumpkin, Green Pumpkin Purple, Green Weenie, Halogram Dawn, Hologram Shad, JN Semper Fi, June Bug Chartreuse, Kerrlicious, M.M. III, Margarita Mutilator, Martens Madness, Mean Green, Morning Dawn, Morning Dawn Chartreuse, Morning Dawn Halo, Morning Dawn Red Flake, Morning Sunrise, New Ayu, Orange Crusher, Oxblood Lt w/Red Flake, Oxblood Red Flake, Peoples Worm, Plum Berry, Prizm Perch, Prizm Shad, Pro Blue Neon, Pumpkin Punisher, PVT, Red Crawler, SXE Shad, Tequila Sunrise, Warmouth, Watermelon Magic, Witches T, X-mas Purple Weenie | Item ID: ROST153G, ROST2620, ROST2K2C, ROST823Y, ROST8296, ROST829Y, ROST841X, ROST85JQ, ROST8890, ROST8H9BX, ROST8K1M, ROST8Z3M, ROST93GF, ROST9KD0X, ROSTA23F, ROSTA2AFX, ROSTA2AR, ROSTA6A0, ROSTA7JOX, ROSTA7K3, ROSTADAR, ROSTB296, ROSTB29F, ROSTB6BF, ROSTF2JYX, ROSTF5FB, ROSTF5KZX, ROSTF66Y, ROSTF6BFX, ROSTF6FH, ROSTF8KF, ROSTFK3FX, ROSTH23R, ROSTH2T6, ROSTH2TR, ROSTH3H0, ROSTH3HHX, ROSTH3HR, ROSTH4HR, ROSTH670, ROSTHK30, ROSTHK3QX, ROSTHKHRX, ROSTM13H, ROSTM1BHX, ROSTM46P, ROSTM63H, ROSTM69YX, ROSTMJ9YX, ROSTMY3H
Price: $4.19 - $4.99
# Of Colors: 50 -
Roboworm 4.5'' Fat Straight
Roboworm FAT Worms - Roboworm has done it again, taking plastic worms to the next level with the FAT Worm series. "Old School" FAT worms were a customer request for years. Well, here you go! Poured with Roboworm's precise computor guided machinery, this series features three color pours, and a thicker body that fish won't ignore. Also featuring Roboworm's "Salt Release Technology", fish receive a burst of salt with every bite, and they won't let go. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Aaron's Magic Red & Blk Fl, Aaron's Morning Dawn, Aaron's Pro Shad, Bold Bluegill, Ehrler's Edge, Green Neon Pumpkin, Hologram Shad, M.M. III, Martens Madness, Morning Dawn Red Flake, Morning Dawn/Red Chart, Oxblood Light Red Flake, Pumpkin Punisher, Red Crawler, SXE Shad, Warmouth | Item ID: ROSK8296, ROSK829Y, ROSK93GF, ROSKA2AR, ROSKA7K3, ROSKB29F, ROSKF5FB, ROSKF66Y, ROSKF8KF, ROSKH23R, ROSKH2T6, ROSKH2TR, ROSKH3HR, ROSKHK3K, ROSKM13H, ROSKM63H, ROSKMY3H
Price: $4.29 - $4.99
# Of Colors: 17 -
Roboworm NED 4.5''
Capitalizing on the very popular Ned Rig technique, the Roboworm Ned Worm offers "hand pour" style color schemes that were not previously available to Ned Riggers. The Roboworm Ned Worm features a short, fat profile that makes it ideal for rigging on a small jig head, and its flat bottom also allows it to glide with a subtle quivering action as it falls to the bottom. Very effectively on a wacky rig, drop shot, and Carolina-rig as well, the Roboworm Ned Worm is a deadly finesse bait any way you want to use it. Poured with Roboworm's state-of-the-art robotic pouring system, which creates well defined colors similar to old school hand pours, but more consistent, it is also equipped with a Salt Release System that provides a burst of salt when a fish bites to make them hold on longer for better hooksets. Available in a wide range of proven fish catching colors, the Roboworm Ned Worm offers anglers a higher quality soft plastic for the Ned Rid technique. | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Aaron's Magic R&B Flk, Hologram Shad, M.M. III , Margarita Mutilator, Midnight, Morning Dawn, Peoples Worm, Prizm Shad, Twilight | Item ID: RON526HR6, RON5767Z6, RON582966, RON5829Y6, RON5A2AF6, RON5B2966, RON5B29F6, RON5H3H06, RON5M13H6, RON5M46P6
Price: $4.29 - $5.39
# Of Colors: 10 -
Roboworm 6'' Straight Tail
Roboworm Straight Tail Worms - Roboworm's flagship series. These are the worms that started it all, Roboworm's original straight tail worm. Computer, and robotic engineered precision hand poured style soft plastic worms. Featuring Roboworm's awesome triple color pours and Roboworm's exclusive "salt release system". When a fish strikes these worms, a burst of salt is emitted, causing the fish to hold onto the bait longer, enabling the angler to detect the bite. No other soft plastic worm can match the detail in colors that Roboworm produces in this line up. This line features the often copied, but never duplicated Aaron's Magic, the top selling color in soft plastic history. The Roboworm straight tail worms excel in all applications, including drop shotting, shakey head, Texas rig, Carolina rig, dart head, split shot rig, flipping' and pitching'. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Aaron's Magic Red & Blk, Aaron's Morning Dawn, Aaron's Pro Magic, Aaron's Pro Shad, Baby Bass, Bait Ball, BHite Delight, Bitchin' Craw, Black Grape, Bold Bluegill, Chartreuse Magic, Desert Craw, Ehrler's Edge, Folkstad Special, Gooseberry10pk, Green Neon Pumpkin, Green Pumpkin Purple, Green Weenie, Halogram Dawn, Hologram Shad, JN Semper Fi, June Bug Chartreuse, Kerrlicious, M.M.III, Margarita Mutilator, Martens Madness, Mean Green, Morning Dawn, Morning Dawn Chartreuse, Morning Dawn Halo, Morning Dawn Hologram, Morning Dawn Red Flake, Morning Sunrise, New Ayu, Orange Crusher, Oxblood Lt w/Red Flake, Oxblood Red Flake, Peoples Worm, Plum Berry, Prizm Perch, Prizm Shad, Pumpkin Punisher, PVT, Red Crawler, SXE Shad, Tequila Sunrise, Warmouth, Watermelon Magic, Witches T | Item ID: ROSR153G, ROSR224CX, ROSR2620, ROSR2K2C, ROSR823Y, ROSR8296, ROSR829Y, ROSR82KOX, ROSR85JQ, ROSR8890, ROSR8H9BX, ROSR8K1M, ROSR8Z3M, ROSR93GF, ROSR9KD0, ROSRA2AF, ROSRA2AR, ROSRA7JOX, ROSRA7K3, ROSRADAR, ROSRB296, ROSRB29F, ROSRB6BF, ROSRF2JYX, ROSRF5FB, ROSRF5KZX, ROSRF66Y, ROSRF6BFX, ROSRF6FH, ROSRF8KF, ROSRFK3FX, ROSRH23R, ROSRH2T6, ROSRH2TR, ROSRH3H0, ROSRH3HHX, ROSRH3HR, ROSRH4HR, ROSRH670, ROSRHK30, ROSRHK3H, ROSRHK3QX, ROSRHKHRX, ROSRM13H, ROSRM1BHX, ROSRM46P, ROSRM63H, ROSRM69YX, ROSRMJ9YX, ROSRMY3H
Price: $4.59 - $5.39
# Of Colors: 50 -
Roboworm 4'' FX Sculpin
Roboworm's 4" Special FX Sculpin. Robotic hand poured triple color worms, featuring Roboworm's exclusive "Salt Release System". Most worms have salt either trapped inside, or just coating the plastic. Roboworm infuses the head of the worm with salt allowing it to slowly leech out during your cast. When a fish bites, a burst of salt is released, causing the fish to hold on longer for a better catch ratio. Roboworm's special robotic pouring technology has created worms with a cool 3D effect that fish have never seen before. The Bloodline of these worms are poured intermittently, resulting in "dots" of neon color splashing throughout these worms. These worms replicate Sculpins, Goby's, Blue Gill, and many other bottom feeding baitfish. | Colors: Baby Bass | Item ID: ROSN153G
Price: $4.59
# Of Colors: 1 -
Roboworm 6''Fat StraightTail
Roboworm FAT Worms - Roboworm has done it again, taking plastic worms to the next level with the FAT Worm series. "Old School" FAT worms were a customer request for years. Well, here you go! Poured with Roboworm's precise computor guided machinery, this series features three color pours, and a thicker body that fish won't ignore. Also featuring Roboworm's "Salt Release Technology", fish receive a burst of salt with every bite, and they won't let go. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Aaron's Magic Red & Blk Fl, Aaron's Morning Dawn, Bold Bluegill, Ehrler's Edge, M.M. III, Martens Madness, Morning Dawn Red Chart Tail, Morning Dawn/Red Flake, Oxblood Light Red Fl , Prizm Shad, Pumpkin Punisher, Red Crawler, SXE Shad, Warmouth | Item ID: ROSF8296, ROSF829Y, ROSF93GF, ROSFA2AR, ROSFA7K3, ROSFB29F, ROSFF66Y, ROSFF8KF, ROSFH23R, ROSFH2T6, ROSFH2TR, ROSFH3HR, ROSFHK3K, ROSFM46P, ROSFMY3H
Price: $4.79 - $5.39
# Of Colors: 15 -
Roboworm 4.5'' Curly Tail
Curly Tails - Roboworm's finesse line up of Curly tail worms are a must have in your tackle box. Featuring Roboworm's exclusive "salt release technology", these worms offer a subtle, thin curly tail that really draws in the strikes. These worm's feature our hand poured style, triple color pours, in all of our most popular colors. The 5.5" model is textured for added realism. Great for drop shotting, split shotting, darter heads, shakey heads, or a finesse Carolina rig. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Hologram Shad | Item ID: ROCRM13H
Price: $4.99
# Of Colors: 1 -
Roboworm NED 3''
Capitalizing on the very popular Ned Rig technique, the Roboworm Ned Worm offers "hand pour" style color schemes that were not previously available to Ned Riggers. The Roboworm Ned Worm features a short, fat profile that makes it ideal for rigging on a small jig head, and its flat bottom also allows it to glide with a subtle quivering action as it falls to the bottom. Very effectively on a wacky rig, drop shot, and Carolina-rig as well, the Roboworm Ned Worm is a deadly finesse bait any way you want to use it. Poured with Roboworm's state-of-the-art robotic pouring system, which creates well defined colors similar to old school hand pours, but more consistent, it is also equipped with a Salt Release System that provides a burst of salt when a fish bites to make them hold on longer for better hooksets. Available in a wide range of proven fish catching colors, the Roboworm Ned Worm offers anglers a higher quality soft plastic for the Ned Rid technique. | Colors: Aaron's Green Pumpkin, Aaron's Magic , Aaron's Magic R&B Flk, Aaron's Morning Dawn, Green Pumpkin Blk Flake, Green Pumpkin Perch, Hologram Shad, M.M. III, Morning Dawn , Morning Dawn Chart, Peoples Worm, Prizm Shad, Twilight, Watermelon R&B | Item ID: RON326HR8, RON382968, RON3829Y8, RON3888Y8, RON3A2AF8, RON3B29F8, RON3F6FB8, RON3FFFB8, RON3FK3B8, RON3H23R8, RON3H3H08, RON3HK308, RON3M13H8, RON3M46P8
Price: $4.99
# Of Colors: 14 -
Roboworm 7'' Straight Tail
Roboworm Straight Tail Worms - Roboworm's flagship series. These are the worms that started it all, Roboworm's original straight tail worm. Computer, and robotic engineered precision hand poured style soft plastic worms. Featuring Roboworm's awesome triple color pours and Roboworm's exclusive "salt release system". When a fish strikes these worms, a burst of salt is emitted, causing the fish to hold onto the bait longer, enabling the angler to detect the bite. No other soft plastic worm can match the detail in colors that Roboworm produces in this line up. This line features the often copied, but never duplicated Aaron's Magic, the top selling color in soft plastic history. The Roboworm straight tail worms excel in all applications, including drop shotting, shakey head, Texas rig, Carolina rig, dart head, split shot rig, flipping' and pitching'. Made in the U.S.A. | Colors: Green Neon Pumpkin, M.M. III | Item ID: ROSLB29F, ROSLF5FB
Price: $5.39
# Of Colors: 2 -
Roboworm 4'' Alive Shad
Roboworm Alive Shad - The Roboworm Alive Shad is one of Roboworm's most effective finesse baits. Its "hand poured" style shad-shaped body is super sensitive and supple, creating a realistic and enticing action. Roboworm uses state-of-the-art robotic technology to create consistent, well-defined triple color pours every time. The dynamic color combination's give anglers different options and provide the versatility to catch fish in all types of conditions. Excellent for split shotting, the curved belly of the shad-shaped bait makes it float and glide enticingly through the water. The Alive Shad is also a great choice for dropshotting. The thin tail section offers plenty of movement even when the bait is still. When the bait gets bit, Roboworm's exclusive Salt Release System provides a burst of salt that will make bass hold on longer for a better catch ratio. Roboworm and the Alive Shad are quickly becoming the choice for recreational anglers and pros alike because of their consistency and effectiveness, especially on highly pressured fish. Made in the U.S.A.! | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Morning Dawn | Item ID: ROAT829608, ROATH3H008
Price: $4.99
# Of Colors: 2 -
Roboworm 3'' Alive Shad
Roboworm Alive Shad - The Roboworm Alive Shad is one of Roboworm's most effective finesse baits. Its "hand poured" style shad-shaped body is super sensitive and supple, creating a realistic and enticing action. Roboworm uses state-of-the-art robotic technology to create consistent, well-defined triple color pours every time. The dynamic color combination's give anglers different options and provide the versatility to catch fish in all types of conditions. Excellent for split shotting, the curved belly of the shad-shaped bait makes it float and glide enticingly through the water. The Alive Shad is also a great choice for dropshotting. The thin tail section offers plenty of movement even when the bait is still. When the bait gets bit, Roboworm's exclusive Salt Release System provides a burst of salt that will make bass hold on longer for a better catch ratio. Roboworm and the Alive Shad are quickly becoming the choice for recreational anglers and pros alike because of their consistency and effectiveness, especially on highly pressured fish. Made in the U.S.A.! | Colors: Aaron's Magic, Hologram Shad, Prizm Shad | Item ID: ROAS8296, ROASM13H, ROASM46P
Price: $4.99
# Of Colors: 3