
Rat-L-Trap MF - 1 oz
The Magnum Force features the same fish-calling sound and tight vibration that has made the Rat-L-Trap famous. This one ounce trap is great for big bass, stripers and many other freshwater species. | Colors: Bunker Shad, Chrome Black Zombie Shad, Chrome Blue, Chrome Blue Back/Red Eye, Chrome/Black Back, Glow/Green Back, Gold, Red Crawfish | Item ID: RTMF140S, RTMF25, RTMF25B, RTMF26, RTMF46R, RTMF540S, RTMF557S, RTMFGLOWS
Price: $8.99 - $10.59
# Of Colors: 8 -
Rat-L-Trap Tiny Trap 1/8 oz
Now you can get all the sound and action of the Original Rat-L-Trap in a size ideal for the light tackle fisherman. The 1/8 oz. Rat-L-Trap makes fishing fun and is perfect for kids or adults just learning to fish. Great for bass, crappie, smallmouth, whitebass, trout and all panfish. Use light line with spincast or spinning gear for best results. | Colors: Bleeding Shiner, Chrome Black, Chrome Black Bleeding Shad, Chrome Blue Back, Chrome Blue Bleeding Shad, Diamond Dust, Rainbow Trout | Item ID: RTTT25, RTTT25B, RTTT267, RTTT37, RTTT372, RTTT384, RTTT53
Price: $7.29
# Of Colors: 7 -
Rat-L-Trap 4.0 StutterStep
Originally designed for tigerfish in Zimbabwe, the StutterStep is all about demanding attention. Sure, you can walk it, but you can also wag it, wobble-wake it, turn-around-twitch it and stutter step it. | Colors: Bone, Ghost Shad, Silver Surfer, Silverado | Item ID: RTSTPF621, RTSTPF623, RTSTPF628, RTSTPF836
Price: $7.79
# Of Colors: 4 -
Rat-L-Trap MT - 1/4 oz
Smart fisherman keep more than one size of a real producer. The Mini-Trap is perfect when fish are feeding on smaller forage. Great for largemouth, smallmouth, whitebass, and many saltwater species. | Colors: Blue Shiner, Bone/Orange Belly, Cali Craw, Chrome Black, Chrome Bleeding Shad, Chrome Blue, Chrome Shad, Diamond Dust, Gold, Lectric Silver, Liv-N-Chrome, Orange Crawdad, Rayburn Red Craw, Red Crawfish, Sexy Prism, Sexy West, Smokey Joe, Sunrise Perch | Item ID: RTMT05, RTMT06, RTMT25, RTMT253, RTMT25B, RTMT26, RTMT260, RTMT27, RTMT370, RTMT46R, RTMT506, RTMT507, RTMT520, RTMT53, RTMT559, RTMT587, RTMTL1, RTMTSY1
Price: $6.29 - $7.39
# Of Colors: 18 -
Rat-L-Trap RT - 1/2 oz
The 1/2oz. Rat-L-Trap has earned its place in history as one of the most versatile lures to ever come along. It will catch bass, walleye, trout, salmon, stripers, and many other fresh and saltwater species. | Colors: Apricot, Ayu, Baby Bass, Barfish, Ber Trap, Black Bone Nova, Bleeding Nova Transparent, Blood Line Shad RH, Blue Gill, Blue Shiner, Blueberry Perch, Bone/Orange Belly, Candy Craw, Chart/Red Light Tiger, Chartreuse Black Back, Chartreuse Crawdad, Chartreuse Flash, Chartreuse Purple, Chinquapin, Chrome Black, Chrome Blue, Chrome Blue Back/Blk Stripe, Chrome Blue Bleeding Shad, Chrome Green, Chrome Purple, Chrome Shad, Chrome-Gold Bones, Chrome-Red Bones, Cotton Candy Craw, Creole Craw, Delta Craw, Diamond Dust, Fathead Minnow, Fire Tiger, Firetiger, Gold, Gold Blue Back, Gold Shad, Gold Tennessee Shad on Chrom, Goldfire Craw, Lake Fork Special, Lectric Silver, Liv-N-Chrome, Natural Crawfish, Nova Clown, Orange Crawdad, Orange Tiger-Craw, Oxbow, Parrot, Pinch'N Peach, Pumpkinseed, Purple Light Tiger, Rayburn Red Craw, Rayburn-Gold Bones, Red Chrome Solid, Red Crawfish, Red Crawfish/Chart Belly, Red Shad, Retro Red Bones, Rootbeer, Royale, Sexy Bone Nova, Sexy Chrome, Sexy Gold, Sexy Prism, Sexy West, Sexy Zombie, Silver Tennessee Shad, Silverado Sparkle, Smokey Joe, Stump Knocker, Sunrise Perch, Tenn Shad Trans-P, Toledo Gold, White Bleeding Shad, White Crawfish, White Glass, White Shad, White Zombie, Yearling Bass, Yellow Perch, Z Nova | Item ID: RTRT05, RTRT06, RTRT09, RTRT114, RTRT17, RTRT22, RTRT24, RTRT25, RTRT251, RTRT253, RTRT254, RTRT255, RTRT258, RTRT25B, RTRT25G, RTRT25P, RTRT25SPC, RTRT26, RTRT260, RTRT261, RTRT262, RTRT263, RTRT264, RTRT266, RTRT26B, RTRT27, RTRT275, RTRT284, RTRT30, RTRT308, RTRT315, RTRT318, RTRT372, RTRT376, RTRT379, RTRT39C, RTRT40, RTRT414, RTRT46N, RTRT46R, RTRT46WH, RTRT48, RTRT506, RTRT507, RTRT520, RTRT520C, RTRT520G, RTRT521, RTRT522, RTRT524, RTRT53, RTRT537, RTRT538, RTRT55, RTRT558, RTRT561, RTRT562, RTRT566, RTRT567, RTRT570, RTRT572, RTRT573, RTRT577, RTRT580, RTRT582, RTRT587, RTRT612, RTRT617, RTRT640, RTRT641, RTRT642, RTRT643, RTRT646, RTRT820, RTRT836, RTRTL1, RTRTSY1, RTRTSY2, RTRTSY3, RTRTSY8, RTRTW1, RTRTW4
Price: $6.19 - $7.39
# Of Colors: 82 -
Rat-L-Trap Mr-6 - 1/2oz
Bill Lewis brings the MR-6(mid-range 6ft) in response to pro-staff demand for a lure in this range. With a compact 2.25 inch body length, the MR-6 contains an internal weight transfer for long-casting abilities for a small-sized lure. The flattened-sides and tapered-tail combine for extreme vibration on a tight wiggle. The MR-6 has the ability to carry large size 4 Mustad Triple-Grip hooks while still maintaining superb action. We feel confident the MR-6 will quickly become your new go to crank | Colors: Amber Shad, Blood Craw, Blue Chartreuse, Bluegill, Cell Mate, Chartreuse Blaze, Citrus Shad, Ghost Craw, Pro Blue, Purple Smoke, Rayburn Red Craw, Silverado, Strawberry Craw, Tennessee Shad, Threadfin Shad | Item ID: RT6MR39, RT6MR587, RT6MR600, RT6MR602, RT6MR613, RT6MR618, RT6MR692, RT6MR693, RT6MR694, RT6MR695, RT6MR696, RT6MR697, RT6MR698, RT6MR699, RT6MR836
Price: $7.39 - $8.19
# Of Colors: 15 -
Rat-L-Trap KnockNTrap 1/2oz
Long known as the original rattle-bait, Rat-L-Traphas been a top-seller for years and has never been offered with any other sound quality other than its' famous original rattle. Customers have pleaded with Bill Lewis Lures to offer their lure with a different versions of sound. While most agree that the original will be the best catching bait in most cases, many believe there are times when we need a change up pitch to throw. The Knock-N-Trap features the legendary tight-wiggling action of the Rat-L-Trap with the same body-profi le and hard-vibrating action. The difference is internal where it features a single-buckshot that beats like a drum in the main body cavity. This produces a lower frequency sound that allows an angler the opportunity to fish with a sound-presentation -- activating fish to bite when they refuse the traditional offering. Besides the great fish catching qualities of this lure, fi sherman will also like the value of the Knock-N-Trap. | Colors: Chartreuse Flash, Chrome Black Back, Chrome Blue Back, Gold Black Back, Rayburn Red Craw, Sexy West, Toledo Gold | Item ID: RTKRT25, RTKRT25B, RTKRT26, RTKRT308, RTKRT520, RTKRT521, RTKRT587
Price: $7.49 - $7.69
# Of Colors: 7 -
Rat-L-Trap 1 oz StutterStep
Originally designed for tigerfish in Zimbabwe, the StutterStep is all about demanding attention. Sure, you can walk it, but you can also wag it, wobble-wake it, turn-around-twitch it and stutter step it. | Colors: Ghost Bluegill, Silverado | Item ID: RTSTP620, RTSTP836
Price: $9.59
# Of Colors: 2 -
Rat-L-Trap Floating 1/2
Bill Lewis' legendary invention, the Rat-L-Trap, is recognized as the most popular, and consequently, the most imitated lure. The Rat-L-Trap's tight wobble allows that bait to dance identically to a panicked baitfish. Dual-frequency rattle chambers imitate the vibration of a school of minnows. In fact, analysis by leading bio-acoustic research teams confirms striking similarities between the sound of actual baitfish and the Rat-L-Trap. These sounds are the 'Dinner Bell' for predator fish. | Colors: Blue Shiner, Chrome Black, Chrome Blue Back | Item ID: RTFR25, RTFR25B, RTFR260
Price: $7.29
# Of Colors: 3 -
Rat-L-Trap MG - 3/4 oz
This lure has 30 rattles that create vibration and sound that can be heard and felt in over 40 feet of water. Tougher hardware makes this lure ideal for larger species of game fish. | Colors: Cali Craw, Chartreuse Flash, Chartreuse Shiner, Cherry Bomb, Chrome Black, Chrome Blue, Chrome Blue Bleeding Shad, Delta Craw, Diamond Dust, Gold, HD Bluegill, Orange Crawdad, Rayburn Red Craw, Red Chartreuse Belly, Red Crawfish, Sexy West | Item ID: RTMG25, RTMG25B, RTMG26, RTMG27, RTMG308, RTMG372, RTMG414, RTMG46R, RTMG48, RTMG52, RTMG520, RTMG53, RTMG558, RTMG559, RTMG587, RTMG654
Price: $6.59 - $7.80
# Of Colors: 16