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  |   Heddon



  • Heddon Swim'n Image

    Heddon adds a new twist to its classic line the Swim'n Image. This shallow-running crankbait resembles a three-inch threadfin shad. The Swim'n Image has a wide wobble that swims where many other lures cannot. Highly snagless, the Heddon Swim'n Image is particularly effective in shallow water, especially in rivers along riffles and along the top of wingdams. | Colors: Fire Tiger, Gizzard Shad, Speckled Trout, Tennessee Shad, Threadfin Shad | Item ID: PRX9230DFT, PRX9230DGS, PRX9230DTFS, PRX9230DTS, PRX9230SST

    Price: $6.29 - $6.89

    # Of Colors: 5

  • Heddon Crazy Crawler

    The Heddon Crazy Crawler is a wild acting topwater lure that literally crawls across the surface, creating a trail of splashes as it goes. Their perfectly tuned metal wings slash from side-to-side to create a cadence on the water that drives all species wild. | Colors: Black Hornet, Bullfrog, Fl Green Crawdad, Glow Black Frog, Red Shore Minnow, Yellow Hornet | Item ID: PRX9120BF, PRX9120BWH, PRX9120GRA, PRX9120PM, PRX9120XRW, PRX9120YRH

    Price: $7.00 - $7.79

    # Of Colors: 6

  • Heddon Magnum Hellbender

    The famous Hellbender began making its way into anglers' tackle boxes in the late 1950s. Over the years, Hellbenders have held many state and world records for most freshwater species. The unique heart-shaped diving lip design gives it the most tempting wide wobbling action. Its big-lip design also makes it dive quick and deep, and allows it to flip easily over most structure. The consummate lure for fishing steep banks and drop-offs down to at least 35 feet on a long flat-line troll. The Hellbender Downrigger (hook-less) model is known as the "poor man's downrigger." When trolling the angler's favorite trolling lure tied on 10 to 20 feet behind a Downrigger Hellbender, it will take the lure down to over 75 feet. | Colors: Silver | Item ID: PRW0839D

    Price: $6.79

    # Of Colors: 1

  • Heddon Wounded Z Spook

    The Heddon Wounded Zara Spook walks the dog like the rest of the Spook family, but propeller blades fore and aft create a froth, more splash and disturbance, and a more tempting side-to-side sashay. The Wounded Spook really shines when fishing for schooling bass, stripers or inshore gamefish like speckled trout and redfish. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner/Glitter, Flitter Shad, Natural Frog, Red Head | Item ID: PRXP9255BB, PRXP9255NBL, PRXP9255NF, PRXP9255RH, PRXP9255SS

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 5

  • Heddon Zara Spook

    The Zara Spook invented the walk-the-dog retrieve almost 75 years ago. All others are just posers. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shore Minnow, Bone, Bullfrog, Clear, Flash Bass, Flitter Shad, Fluorescent Green Crawdad, G-Finish Blue Shad, G-Finish Pearl/Red Head, G-Finish Shad, Natural Leopard Frog, Natural Perch, Nickel Plate, Red Head | Item ID: PRX9255BB, PRX9255BF, PRX9255BON, PRX9255C, PRX9255FB, PRX9255G28, PRX9255GBLSD, PRX9255GBSD, PRX9255GRA, PRX9255JMP, PRX9255NBL, PRX9255NF, PRX9255NP, PRX9255RH, PRX9255SS, PRX9255XBW

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 16

  • Heddon Spit'n Image

    The Heddon Spit'n Image perfectly mimics the frantic antics of a fleeing shad in fact, it's the Spit'n Image of one! When retrieved, the Spit'n Image moves from side to side; at rest, the tail sits low in the water. | Colors: 7/16oz 3.25'' Bay Anchovy, 7/16oz 3.25'' EmeraldShiner, 7/16oz 3.25'' Needle Fish, Gizzard Shad, Tennessee Shad, Threadfin Shad | Item ID: PRX9270BAC, PRX9270DGS, PRX9270DTFS, PRX9270DTS, PRX9270ESH, PRX9270NFH

    Price: $6.09 - $6.89

    # Of Colors: 6

  • Heddon Sonar

    Heddon's only adjustable-action lure. The Sonar's unique linetie holes allow anglers to adjust the lure's action to match the fishing situation. Whether cast, trolled or jigged through the ice, the Sonar series has the perfect vibrating action to entice most freshwater species into rod-busting strikes | Colors: Chrome, Chrome, Fl Green Crawdad, Gold Shiner, Gray Shad, Green Crawdad, Perch, Perch, Red Head, Shiner, Silver Shiner, Silver Shiner | Item ID: PRX0431GF, PRX0431GRA, PRX0431GS, PRX0431L, PRX0431NP, PRX0431RH, PRX0431SF, PRX0433GF, PRX0433GRA, PRX0433L, PRX0433NP, PRX0433SF

    Price: $3.99 - $5.29

    # Of Colors: 12

  • Heddon Tiny Crazy Crawler

    The Heddon Crazy Crawler is a wild acting topwater lure that literally crawls across the surface, creating a trail of splashes as it goes. Their perfectly tuned metal wings slash from side-to-side to create a cadence on the water that drives all species wild. | Colors: Black Hornet, Bullfrog, Fl Green Crawdad, Yellow Hornet | Item ID: PRX0320BF, PRX0320BWH, PRX0320GRA, PRX0320YRH

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 4

  • Heddon Pop'n Image Jr

    The Pop'n Image Jr. allows anglers to accomplish two of topwater's most-effective actions popping and walking the dog. It's designed for castability and features a realistic finish, fish-like eyes and XCalibur Rotating Treble Hooks. | Colors: 5/16oz 2.375'' Needle Fish, 5/16oz 2.375'' EmeraldShiner, 5/8oz 2.375'' Bay Anchovy, Baby Bass, Bullfrog, Tennessee Shad | Item ID: PRX9219BAC, PRX9219DBB, PRX9219DBF, PRX9219DTS, PRX9219ESH, PRX9219NFH

    Price: $6.09 - $6.29

    # Of Colors: 6

  • Heddon Baby Torpedo

    The Heddon Baby Torpedo is a proven topwater bait that smallmouth and largemouth bass can't resist. Its single prop spins and spits water. The Baby Torpedo can be worked slowly with twitches and pauses, or reeled constantly at a medium retrieve like a buzzbait. In rivers, work the bait in shallow shoreline water, in eddies, near submerged rocks and in fast-moving riffles for giant smallmouth. In ponds and lakes, pause the Torpedo near wood and weed cover, gently twitching it to entice big largemouth. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shore Minnow, Blue Shiner, Brown Crawdad, Bullfrog, Clear, Fluorescent Green Crawdad, Natural Leopard Frog, Natural Perch, Nickel Plate, Shad | Item ID: PRX0361BB, PRX0361BF, PRX0361BRS, PRX0361C, PRX0361GBSD, PRX0361GRA, PRX0361LC, PRX0361NBL, PRX0361NF, PRX0361NP, PRX0361NPB, PRX0361XBW

    Price: $5.19 - $6.00

    # Of Colors: 12

  • Heddon Tiny Torpedo

    The Heddon Tiny Torpedo is a proven topwater bait that smallmouth and largemouth bass can't resist. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shiner/Glitter, Black Shore Minnow, Blue Shiner, Brown Crawdad, Bullfrog, Clear, Fluorescent Green Crawdad, G-Finish Gold Bass, G-Finish Pearl/Red Head, Natural Leopard Frog, Natural Perch, Shad, Silver Shore Minnow | Item ID: PRX0360BB, PRX0360BF, PRX0360BRS, PRX0360C, PRX0360G28, PRX0360GBB, PRX0360GBSD, PRX0360GRA, PRX0360LC, PRX0360NBL, PRX0360NBLG, PRX0360NF, PRX0360NPB, PRX0360XBW, PRX0360XRS

    Price: $5.59 - $6.00

    # Of Colors: 15

  • Heddon Hellbender

    The famous Hellbender began making its way into anglers' tackle boxes in the late 1950s. Over the years, Hellbenders have held many state and world records for most freshwater species. The unique heart-shaped diving lip design gives it the most tempting wide wobbling action. Its big-lip design also makes it dive quick and deep, and allows it to flip easily over most structure. The consummate lure for fishing steep banks and drop-offs down to at least 35 feet on a long flat-line troll. The Hellbender Downrigger (hook-less) model is known as the "poor man's downrigger." When trolling the angler's favorite trolling lure tied on 10 to 20 feet behind a Downrigger Hellbender, it will take the lure down to over 75 feet. | Colors: Silver, Striper, White | Item ID: PRW0801, PRW0819, PRW0839

    Price: $6.69 - $6.79

    # Of Colors: 3

  • Heddon Sonar Flash

    The Heddon Sonar Flash is as versatile as any lure you'll find in the fishing industry. The Sonar Flash features three line-tie holes, each positioned for a different fishing technique. Tie your line to the front hole for casting and fishing shallower water. Tie to the middle hole for vertical jigging. The third hole is for trolling or casting to deeper water. The "Flash" in Sonar Flash refers to the super-reflective sides of this tantalizing blade, which adds a baitfish flash to the action to attract fish from a distance. Fish deep, shallow, vertical, horizontal, fast, slow, troll, cast the Sonar does it all. | Colors: Blue, Blue, Chartreuse, Chartreuse, Gold, Gold, Green, Silver, Silver | Item ID: PRX0431FBL, PRX0431FCH, PRX0431FGL, PRX0431FSL, PRX0433FBL, PRX0433FCH, PRX0433FGL, PRX0433FGN, PRX0433FSL

    Price: $4.49 - $5.29

    # Of Colors: 9

  • Heddon Lucky 13

    The Lucky 13 produces a deep, resonating sound that drives gamefish crazy when it's chugged. Long considered one of the best lures made for catching schooling fish, the Lucky 13's size and action make it a true fresh and saltwater multi-specie bait (bass, pike, stripers, white bass, speckled trout, redfish and other inshore species). | Colors: Baby Bass Red Gill, Bullfrog, Fl Green Crawdad, Red Head | Item ID: PRX2500BBR, PRX2500BF, PRX2500GRA, PRX2500RH

    Price: $5.59 - $6.69

    # Of Colors: 4

  • Heddon Super Spook Jr

    The Heddon Super Spook Jr. features the tough construction and good looks of the full-sized Super Spook in a smaller, but still explosive, fish-catching design. Rugged line ties and hooks ensure the Super Spook Jr. will hold up to opportunistic charges from schooling fish. Realistic finishes provide the proper look for virtually any topwater fishing situation. | Colors: Black/Chart Gold Insert, Chart/Black Head, Chartreuse, Chrome/Pink, Gold/Pink, Pink/Silver Insert, Redfish, Speckled Trout, Specktrum, White Chart Head, White/Pink Silver Insert | Item ID: PRX923620, PRX923621, PRX923622, PRX923624, PRX923625, PRX9236454, PRX9236455, PRX9236456, PRX9236RF, PRX9236SPTM, PRX9236ST

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 11

  • Heddon One Knocker Spook

    The One KnockerSpookthumps bass with a sound like no other topwater bait. The single tungsten rattle contained in a sound-intensifying chamber produces a loud thump that draws fish from long distances. Its positioning within the body of the lure makes walking-the-dog easier than ever. Fourteen color patterns and MustadTriple Grip hooks take care of the rest. | Colors: Black Shiner, Bone, Bone/Orange Belly, Bone/Silver, Chart/Silver Insert, Chrome/Pink, Foxy Momma, G-Finish Foxy Shad, Ghost, Gold/Pink, Okie Shad, Pearl Melon, Pearl Shad, Red Head, Speckled Trout, Z-Shad | Item ID: PRXK925302, PRXK925314, PRXK925323, PRXK9253426, PRXK9253427, PRXK9253430, PRXK9253431, PRXK9253432, PRXK9253434, PRXK9253455, PRXK9253456, PRXK9253BONSL, PRXK9253GFS, PRXK9253HOS, PRXK9253RH, PRXK9253ST

    Price: $8.69

    # Of Colors: 16

  • Heddon Pop'n Image

    The versatile Pop'n Image allows anglers to accomplish topwater's top two actions: "popping" and "walking the dog." The Heddon Pop'n Image is designed for castability and features a realistic finish, fish-like eyes and XCalibur Rotating Treble Hooks. | Colors: 5/8oz 3'' Emerald Shiner, 5/8oz 3'' Needle Fish, 5/8oz 3'' Bay Anchovy, Baby Bass, Bullfrog, Gizzard Shad, Tennessee Shad, Threadfin Shad | Item ID: PRX9220BAC, PRX9220DBB, PRX9220DBF, PRX9220DGS, PRX9220DTFS, PRX9220DTS, PRX9220ESH, PRX9220NFH

    Price: $6.09 - $6.89

    # Of Colors: 8

  • Heddon Zara Puppy

    At just 3-inches in length, the Puppy is a killer when bass, stripers and other fish are feeding on smaller baitfish. It's also one of the best stream and river smallmouth bass lures you can buy. Species: Bass, Stripers, White Bass, Pike, Musky, Redfish, Speckled Trout | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shiner/Glitter, Black Shore Minnow, Bone, Bullfrog, Clear, Flitter Shad, Fluorescent Green Crawdad, G-Finish Blue Shad, G-Finish Pearl/Red Head, G-Finish Shad, Natural Frog, Red Head | Item ID: PRX9225BB, PRX9225BF, PRX9225BON, PRX9225C, PRX9225G28, PRX9225GBLSD, PRX9225GBSD, PRX9225GRA, PRX9225NBL, PRX9225NBLG, PRX9225NF, PRX9225RH, PRX9225SS, PRX9225XBW

    Price: $6.89 - $7.29

    # Of Colors: 14

  • Heddon Teeny Torpedo

    The Torpedo's aerodynamic shape, balance and weight allow anglers to cast for distance and accuracy. The Teeny Torpedo froths the water when twitched, but also can be reeled with a slow-steady retrieve for more of a buzzbait-type look. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Blue Shiner, Brown Crawdad, Bullfrog, Leopard Frog | Item ID: PRX0355BB, PRX0355BF, PRX0355BRS, PRX0355NBL, PRX0355NF, PRX0355NPB

    Price: $5.19 - $6.00

    # Of Colors: 6

  • Heddon Rattlin Spook

    The Rattlin' Spook adds tremendous sound to your dog walking. A new rattle chamber containing tungsten BB's amplifies and intensifies the sounds of panicked and fleeing baitfish. This unique sound chamber also makes it easier to produce smooth walk-the-dog retrieves. Fourteen realistic color patterns and Mustad | Colors: Okie Shad | Item ID: PRXR9253HOS

    Price: $7.09

    # Of Colors: 1

  • Heddon Super Spook

    The Super Spook is the backbone of the legendary Zara Spook family of topwater lures, and this one's got a saltwater flavor. This tough 5-inch Super Spook features a trio of super-sharp saltwater grade hooks and hardware. This is the bait to take on giant redfish, gator trout and massive stripers. Also stands up to the toothy torture of muskies. | Colors: 1oz 5'' SW Bone, 1oz 5'' SW Redhead Flsh, 1oz 5'' SW Silver Mullet, 1oz 5'' SW Speckled Trout, Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shore Shad, Black/Chart Gold Insert, Blue Chrome, Bone, Bone/Silver, Chart/Black Head, Chartreuse, Chartreuse Silver Insert, Chrome/Pink, Clear, Clown, Flitter Shad, Florida Bass, Foxy Momma, Foxy Shad, Frog, Golden Shiner, Lake Fork Shad, Nickel, Okie Shad, Pink/Silver Insert, Red Head, Red Head Ghost, Redfish, Silver Mullet, Speckled Trout, White Chartreuse, Wounded Shad | Item ID: PRX925601, PRX925602, PRX925603, PRX925605, PRX925606, PRX925607, PRX925608, PRX925609, PRX925610, PRX925611, PRX925614, PRX925620, PRX925621, PRX925622, PRX925623, PRX925624, PRX9256425, PRX9256426, PRX9256454, PRX9256455, PRX9256BONSL, PRX9256GS, PRX9256HBS, PRX9256HFB, PRX9256HLFS, PRX9256HOS, PRX9256RF, PRX9256RH, PRX9256SM, PRX9256ST, PRXSW9256435, PRXSW9256437, PRXSW9256438, PRXSW9256439

    Price: $5.99 - $9.89

    # Of Colors: 34

  • Heddon Chug'n Spook Jr 3.5''

    The Heddon Saltwater Chug'n Spook Jr. brings big surface commotion in a small package. The cupped chugging mouth of the Saltwater Chug'n Spook Jr. catches and spits water while retaining the proven walk-the-dog action that made the Zara Spook one of the most respected and effective topwater lures in history. The Saltwater Chug'n spook uses #4 Saltwater XCalibur Tx3 Hooks. | Colors: 1/2oz Black Shiner 1pk, 1/2oz Bone 1pk, 1/2oz Foxy Momma 1pk, 1/2oz Foxy Shad 1pk, Baby Bass, Bone/Shad Dot, Bone/Silver, Chrome/Pink, G-Finish Bullfrog, G-Finish Foxy Shad, Gold Shiner, Gold/Pink, Ham Bone Flash, Okie Shad, Red Head Flash, Silver Mullet, Speckled Trout, Wounded Shad | Item ID: PRX953601, PRX953602, PRX953614, PRX9536425, PRX9536426, PRX9536435, PRX9536436, PRX9536437, PRX9536438, PRX9536439, PRX9536455, PRX9536456, PRX9536BONSL, PRX9536GBF, PRX9536GFS, PRX9536GS, PRX9536HBS, PRX9536HOS

    Price: $6.39 - $8.29

    # Of Colors: 18

  • Heddon Moss Boss

    The Moss Boss is indeed the "boss" when it comes to tempting lunkers into striking from under the thickest moss, weed beds and brush. The Moss Boss has been perfectly designed to glide easily over and through the heaviest of cover, the kind of cover that holds big muskie, bass and northerns. When a lunker spies a Moss Boss sliding through the weeds overhead it makes for one of the most exciting strikes ever! | Colors: Black Scaled, Black Scaled, Bullfrog, Bullfrog, Chart Scaled, Chart Scaled, White Scaled, White Scaled | Item ID: PRX0510BF, PRX0510BS, PRX0510CHS, PRX0510WHS, PRX0515BF, PRX0515BS, PRX0515CHS, PRX0515WHS

    Price: $4.49 - $5.29

    # Of Colors: 8

  • Heddon Feather SuperSpook Jr

    The feather dressed hook, a secret addition used to trigger more strikes is now available to all. The Feather Dressed Super Spook Jr. was and still is highly desired after several top finishers of the 2003 Bassmaster Tour event on Arkansas' Lake Hamilton were found using this lure. The Super Spook, Jr's "walk-the-dog" action makes it the most popular topwater lure among the pros. Also a favorite of pike, striper, speckled trout and redfish | Colors: Black Shiner, Bone, Clear | Item ID: PRX9236F02, PRX9236F03, PRX9236F14

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 3

  • Heddon Chug'n Spook

    The Heddon Saltwater Chug'n Spook features an open, cupped mouth that spits loads of water and creates enormous surface action. Despite the addition of the spitting mouth, the Chug'n Spook still walks-the-dog with ease, creating that hypnotizing action that predator fish cannot resist | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Bone, Bone Orange Belly, Bone/Silver, Bunker, G Finish Foxy Shad, G Finish Shad, G-Finish Bullfrog, Ham Bone Flash, Okie Shad, Redhead Flash, Sardine, Silver Mullet, Speckled Trout | Item ID: PRX955602, PRX9556427, PRX9556435, PRX9556436, PRX9556437, PRX9556438, PRX9556439, PRX9556440, PRX9556445, PRX9556BB, PRX9556BONSL, PRX9556GBF, PRX9556GBSD, PRX9556GFS, PRX9556HOS

    Price: $6.39 - $8.29

    # Of Colors: 15

  • Heddon Rattlin' Spook

    The Rattlin' Spook adds tremendous sound to your dog walking. A new rattle chamber containing tungsten BB's amplifies and intensifies the sounds of panicked and fleeing baitfish. This unique sound chamber also makes it easier to produce smooth walk-the-dog retrieves. Fourteen realistic color patterns and Mustad | Colors: Bone/Orange Belly, Foxy Momma, Pearl Shad | Item ID: PRXR9253426, PRXR9253427, PRXR9253432

    Price: $7.50 - $8.29

    # Of Colors: 3

  • Heddon Super Spook Jr.

    The Heddon Super Spook Jr. features the tough construction and good looks of the full-sized Super Spook in a smaller, but still explosive, fish-catching design. Rugged line ties and hooks ensure the Super Spook Jr. will hold up to opportunistic charges from schooling fish. Realistic finishes provide the proper look for virtually any topwater fishing situation. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Shiner, Black Shore Shad, Blue Chrome, Blue Shore Shad, Bone, Bone Silver, Chartreuse Silver Insert, Clear, Clown, Flitter Shad, Florida Bass, Foxy Momma, Foxy Shad, Frog, Golden Shiner, Lake Fork Shad, Nickel, Okie Shad, Red Head, Red Head Ghost, Silver Mullet, Wounded Shad | Item ID: PRX923601, PRX923602, PRX923603, PRX923605, PRX923606, PRX923607, PRX923608, PRX923609, PRX923610, PRX923611, PRX923612, PRX923614, PRX923623, PRX9236425, PRX9236426, PRX9236BONSL, PRX9236GS, PRX9236HBS, PRX9236HFB, PRX9236HLFS, PRX9236HOS, PRX9236RH, PRX9236SM

    Price: $7.79

    # Of Colors: 23